Training & Mentoring

Wood carving. Carver with chisel and hammerWeekly Meetings

Weekly meeting are open to all members every Monday evening from 6:30 Pm to 9:00 Pm from September to May.

We meet in the basement of The First Baptist Church, 9 Pine Street, just across from the courthouse.

Show and Tell becomes part of our meeting on the first meeting of each month.

Web site training This site is devoted to providing you the information necessary to get started carving and whittling translating your own ideas into physical sculpture. There are four general styles for woodcarving with different styled, techniques and tools for each one. You must decide which you want to pursue so you can the correct techniques and tool that you will need.  Learning how to carve wood by hand involves various techniques and tools to turn the original raw piece into a finished carved object.  This  involves traditional carving tools such as:  chisels, knifes, gouges,  hammers, along with sanding, painting, or other methods to finished your project.   A wood carver will be able to adapt a number of basic wood carving techniques and skills to finish a project from beginning to end.


Our Club offers a number of opportunities for advanced learning through in house workshops. Bark Carving, Soapstone Carving Course, Painting a Bluebird Cast, and in various other areas of interest.

Carving Fun Day

Conducted at least once every year, a day is dedicated to different categories of instruction for all who may be interested.

Christmas Party

What’s a club without an annual Christmas Party where all members and their respective partners are invited.

Check our calendar for dates

Information on St Lawrence Woodcarvers Group